
Immersive exhibition Sistine Chapel

National Stadium’s grasslands in Warsaw became the site of an extraordinary immersive exhibition that will take all participants on a fascinating journey to the Vatican’s greatest treasure – the Sistine Chapel. The”The Sistine Chapel. A Legacy” is an amazing visual spectacle that presents the museum’s famous frescoes by Michelangelo in a way that was previously impossible to see. The entire immersive experience has been recreated in the main room – the walls and the vault. The room has the exact dimensions of the chapel, only lower (6 meters high instead of the original 21 meters). The large-format, vivid images are projected using Digital Art 360 technology. The exhibition was created thanks to the cooperation of the Vatican Museums (© Governatorato dello S.C.V.Direzione dei Musei together with the Manuscriptum Issuing House (© Manuscriptum and Scripta Maneant (© Scripta Maneant 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). ARAM, a company specializing in the design and technical production of audio-visual installation events, is the technological partner of this unique event. The exhibition is temporary and will last for three months in Warsaw, and then travel to other major cities in Poland and around the world. What makes this project different is that it is done in a temporary immersive facility, in a tent. This made it a challenge to adjust the entire installation, which has to be extremely precise with so many projectors.

“We are extremely proud that in Poland such a technologically advanced exhibition takes place. It will be the first indoor immersive projection of this scale in Poland, made in a temporary facility that changes its location, which adds to the complexity of the entire installation. The project is extremely complex and is being created using the latest technologies available in the world, both in the field of projection itself and image management. The fact that ARAM has been chosen to carry out this project is the fruit of cooperation with one of Poland’s largest event agencies, LIVE, and the one-of-a-kind MANUSCRIPTUM EMISSION HOUSE”, says Michal Mrzyglocki, Vice President of ARAM.

ARAM, as the exhibition’s technology partner, was responsible for the technical design, installation, and comprehensive service. Michal Mrzyglocki, emphasizes that one of the challenges was to match quiet and compact projectors, so the choice was Panasonic’s latest equipment. ARAM supplied not only the projectors, but also the broadcast system, lighting, and structures, and provided full technical support for the exhibition. The company’s 39 projectors project a single image on all walls and ceiling. Projection on this type of surface requires special quality cameras. The material displayed in the chapel alone is about 1T of content.

If you would like to learn more or are interested in creating your next production with us – contact us and we will arrange a meeting.


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